Teen Beach Movie
“Teen Beach Movie,” directed by Jeffrey Hornaday, follows teenage surfers Brady and Mack who are mysteriously transported into a classic 1960s beach movie, where they must navigate the film’s plot and find a way back to their own world. As they interact with the movie’s characters, they inadvertently alter the storyline, leading to unexpected challenges and adventures.
Views: 89
Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Music
Director: Jeffrey Hornaday
Actors: Barry Bostwick, Chrissie Fit, Garrett Clayton, Gracie Gillam, John DeLuca, Jordan Fisher, Kent Boyd, Kevin Chamberlin, Maia Mitchell, Ross Lynch, Steve Valentine, Suzanne Cryer
Country: United States of America
Company: Disney Channel, Rainforest Productions
Awards: 2 nominations
1h 50minRelease: 2013
Release Date: 2013-08-07
IMDb: 6
TMDB: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 88%
FilmAffinity: 4.4