Strobe Edge
“Strobe Edge,” directed by Ryuichi Hiroki, is a romantic drama that follows the story of Ninako, a high school girl who experiences the complexities of first love when she develops feelings for the popular and seemingly unattainable Ren. As she navigates her emotions and the challenges of unrequited love, Ninako learns about the true meaning of love and friendship.
Views: 17
Director: Ryuichi Hiroki
Actors: Arisa Sato, Jingi Irie, Kasumi Arimura, Mihiro, Rika Kazami, Sota Fukushi, Yoshinari Furuya, Yuina Kuroshima, Yuka Kouri, Yuki Yamada
Country: Japan
Company: Toho Pictures
Awards: 1 win
Worldwide Gross: $2,840,684