Roger & Me
“Roger & Me,” directed by Michael Moore, is a documentary that explores the economic impact of General Motors’ decision to close several auto plants in Flint, Michigan, leading to massive job losses and economic decline in the community. The film follows Moore’s quest to confront then-GM CEO Roger Smith and hold him accountable for the devastating effects on Flint’s residents.
Views: 35
Genre: Comedy, Documentary, History
Director: Michael Moore
Actors: Anita Bryant, Bob Eubanks, Fred Ross, James Blanchard, Kaye Lani Rae Rafko Wilson, Michael Moore, Pat Boone, Rhonda Britton, Roger B. Smith, Ronald Reagan
Country: United States of America
Company: Dog Eat Dog Films, Warner Bros.
Awards: 14 wins
Budget: $160,000
Worldwide Gross: $7,706,368
1h 31minRelease: 1989
Release Date: 1989-09-01
IMDb: 7.5
TMDB: 7.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Metacritic: 70
FilmAffinity: 7.0