House of the Dragon
Set in the rich and tumultuous world of Westeros, this film delves into the intricate and often brutal power struggles within the Targaryen dynasty. With a stellar cast including Paddy Considine, Matt Smith, and Emma D’Arcy, the narrative explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the heavy burden of legacy. Directed by Miguel Sapochnik, the movie offers a visually stunning and emotionally gripping experience. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 336
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: George R. R. Martin, Ryan Condal
Studio: 1:26 Pictures, Bastard Sword, GRRM, HBO
Awards: Won 1 Primetime Emmy, 13 wins & 74 nominations total
Starring: Emma D'Arcy, Eve Best, Matt Smith, Olivia Cooke, Paddy Considine, Rhys Ifans, Robert Ryan, Steve Toussaint