Breaking Bad
In this gripping crime drama directed by Vince Gilligan, a high school chemistry teacher, played by Bryan Cranston, turns to manufacturing methamphetamine after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. The film explores the moral descent of its protagonist as he partners with a former student, portrayed by Aaron Paul, to secure his family’s financial future. The movie has garnered critical acclaim and multiple awards for its intense storytelling and powerful performances. You can watch this compelling narrative unfold on Soap2day for free.
Views: 490
Director: Vince Gilligan
Studio: Gran Via Productions, High Bridge Productions, Sony Pictures Television, Sony Pictures Television Studios
Awards: Top rated TV #1 | Won 16 Primetime Emmys, 169 wins & 269 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2008
IMDb: 9.5
TMDb: 8.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Metacritic: 87
FilmAffinity: 8.8
Country: United States of America
Networks: AMC
Starring: Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn, Betsy Brandt, Bob Odenkirk, Bryan Cranston, Dean Norris, Jesse Plemons, Jonathan Banks, Laura Fraser, RJ Mitte, Steven Michael Quezada