Our World War
“Our World War” is a compelling factual drama series that immerses viewers in the remarkable courage of young soldiers from a century ago. By drawing on authentic accounts from World War One soldiers, the series employs contemporary visual techniques such as POV helmet camera footage, surveillance imagery, and night vision to transport the BBC Three audience to the Western Front. Each episode is meticulously based on firsthand testimonies, interviews, and memoirs, uncovering often concealed and occasionally unsettling facets of the wartime experience.
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2014
IMDb: 8.1
TMDb: 7.5
FilmAffinity: 7.1
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC Three
Starring: Anna Bolton, Danny Walters, Gerard Kearns, Hannah Britland, John Hollingworth, Luke Norris, Michael Socha, Paul Popplewell, Ryan Kiggell, Shaun Dooley