“Jonas,” initially known as “J.O.N.A.S.,” is a Disney Channel Original Series crafted by Roger S. H. Schulman and Michael Curtis, featuring the Jonas Brothers. In the show, the brothers portray the “Lucas Brothers,” members of the fictional band “JONAS,” who strive to maintain a normal life despite their fame. Although the pilot was filmed in 2007, the series faced delays due to the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike, pushing the original January 2008 shooting date to September 2008. The series eventually premiered on Disney Channel on May 2, 2009, with on-demand availability starting April 25, 2009.
“JONAS” stands out as the first Disney Channel Original Series since “Phil of the Future” not to be filmed in front of a live studio audience or include a laugh track. It also marked the network’s first Saturday night premiere, part of Disney’s strategy to introduce original programming on that night and challenge Nickelodeon’s evening viewership. The series is set in New Jersey and filmed at Hollywood Center Studios.
Views: 140
Director: Michael Curtis, Roger S.H. Schulman
Studio: Disney Branded Television, It's a Laugh Productions, Mantis Productions, Turtle Rock Productions
Awards: Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy, 4 wins & 9 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
23minRelease: 2009
IMDb: 4.7
TMDb: 7.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 89%
Metacritic: 3.7
FilmAffinity: 2.1
Country: United States of America
Networks: Disney Channel
Starring: Chelsea Kane, Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas, Nicole Gale Anderson