Un village français
Set against the backdrop of World War II, this gripping drama series delves into the lives of the inhabitants of a small French village during the German occupation. The narrative intricately weaves personal and political struggles, showcasing the resilience and moral dilemmas faced by ordinary people in extraordinary times. With standout performances from Robin Renucci and Audrey Fleurot, the series has garnered critical acclaim for its authentic portrayal of history. Directed by Emmanuel Daucé, it offers a compelling look at human nature under duress. You can watch it for free on Soap2day.
Views: 18
Genre: Drama, War & Politics
Director: Emmanuel Daucé, Frédéric Krivine, Philippe Triboit
Studio: Tetra Media
Awards: 2 wins & 10 nominations
Starring: Audrey Fleurot, Emmanuelle Bach, Marie Kremer, Nade Dieu, Nicolas Gob, Robin Renucci, Thierry Godard