Go! Live Your Way
In this vibrant musical drama directed by Sebastian Mellino, a talented and spirited teenage girl earns a scholarship to a prestigious performing arts school, where she must navigate the challenges of fitting in while staying true to herself. The film features standout performances from its young cast, including Pilar Pascual and José Gimenez Zapiola. With its catchy musical numbers and heartfelt story, it captures the essence of youthful ambition and friendship. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 30
Genre: Drama
Director: Sebastian Mellino
Studio: Kuarzo Entertainment Argentina, Onceloops Media
Awards: 1 win
Starring: Carolina Domenech, Gastón Ricaud, José Giménez-Zapiola, Manuel Ramos, Pilar Pascual, Renata Toscano Bruzón, Santiago Saez, Simon Hempe