Marvel’s Hit-Monkey
In this 2021 action-packed animated series, a Japanese snow monkey embarks on a quest for vengeance after his tribe is slaughtered. Guided by the ghost of an American assassin, the monkey navigates the criminal underworld of Tokyo, taking down various villains along the way. The series features the voice talents of Jason Sudeikis and George Takei, adding a layer of star power to its gripping narrative. Directed by Josh Gordon, it offers a unique blend of dark humor and intense action. You can watch it for free on Soap2day.
Views: 42
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation
Director: Josh Gordon, Will Speck
Studio: 20th Television, 20th Television Animation, Floyd County Productions, Marvel Television, Speck Gordon
Starring: Ally Maki, Eric Roberts, Fred Tatasciore, George Takei, Jason Sudeikis, Leslie Jones, Nobi Nakanishi, Olivia Munn