“Defiance” is a U.S. sci-fi TV series set in a future where Earth has been drastically altered by the arrival of alien species. The narrative centers on Joshua Nolan, who serves as the law enforcement officer in the town of Defiance, a unique community where humans and intelligent extraterrestrials live together. The series explores the lives of Nolan, his adopted alien daughter Irisa, and the town’s newly appointed mayor, Amanda Rosewater.
Views: 35
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Kevin Murphy, Michael Taylor, Rockne S. O'Bannon
Studio: Five & Dime Productions, UCP
Awards: Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy, 4 nominations total
TV Status: Canceled
43minRelease: 2013
IMDb: 7
TMDb: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 77%
Metacritic: 61
FilmAffinity: 5.2
Country: United States of America
Networks: Syfy
Starring: Anna Hopkins, Graham Greene, Grant Bowler, Jaime Murray, Jesse Rath, Julie Benz, Nichole Galicia, Nicole Muñoz, Stephanie Leonidas, Tony Curran