Your Sister’s Sister
“Your Sister’s Sister,” directed by Lynn Shelton, is a heartfelt indie drama that explores complex relationships and emotional truths. The film follows Jack, who, while grieving his brother’s death, retreats to a remote cabin where he unexpectedly encounters his best friend Iris’s sister, Hannah, leading to a series of revelations and emotional entanglements.
Views: 33
Director: Lynn Shelton
Actors: Emily Blunt, Evan Mosher, Jason Dodson, Jennifer Maas, Kathryn Lebo, Mark Duplass, Michael Harring, Mike Birbiglia, Pete Erickson, Rosemarie DeWitt
Country: United States of America
Company: Ada Films
Awards: 2 wins & 8 nominations
Budget: $125,000
Worldwide Gross: $3,242,802
1h 30minRelease: 2011
Release Date: 2011-09-11
IMDb: 6.7
TMDB: 6.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 84%
Metacritic: 72
FilmAffinity: 6.2