Sick Note
In this dark comedy series, a down-on-his-luck insurance worker, played by Rupert Grint, finds his life taking an unexpected turn after being misdiagnosed with a terminal illness. The show explores the chaotic consequences of his decision to keep the diagnosis a secret, leading to a series of increasingly absurd situations. Co-starring Nick Frost as his incompetent doctor, the series delves into themes of deception and morality with a humorous twist. Directed by James Serafinowicz, this series can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 32
Director: James Serafinowicz, Nat Saunders
Studio: King Bert Productions
Awards: 1 nomination
TV Status: Ended
25minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 6.8
TMDb: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 50%
FilmAffinity: 5.6
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Sky One
Starring: Belinda Stewart-Wilson, Camilla Beeput, Daniel Rigby, Karl Theobald, Lindsay Lohan, Marama Corlett, Matilda Thorpe, Nick Frost, Pippa Bennett-Warner, Rupert Grint