Summer Heights High
“Summer Heights High” (2007) is a mockumentary-style comedy that delves into the lives of students and staff at an Australian high school. Created and starred by Chris Lilley, the film showcases his versatility as he portrays multiple characters, including the self-absorbed drama teacher Mr. G, the rebellious student Jonah, and the snobbish private school exchange student Ja’mie. The film is known for its satirical take on high school life and has garnered a cult following. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 34
Genre: Comedy
Director: Chris Lilley
Studio: ABC TV, Princess Pictures
Awards: 4 wins & 4 nominations
Starring: Asolima Tauati, Chris Lilley, David Lennie, Iro Utaifeau, Kristy Barnes Cullen, Ofa Palu, Stan Roach, Zach Fa'atoe