South of Nowhere
“South of Nowhere” is an American teen drama TV series crafted by Thomas W. Lynch. Targeting a teenage audience, it premiered on November 4, 2005, as one of six original shows on The N. The latter part of its third and final season began airing on October 10, 2008, with the series concluding on December 12, 2008. Additionally, live webisodes were produced to complement each episode in the second season’s storyline, available exclusively on The N’s website via The Click.
The narrative centers on the Carlin family as they navigate their new life after relocating from Ohio to Los Angeles, California. A significant plotline is the evolving relationship between Spencer Carlin and her bisexual friend, Ashley Davies. Their close bond prompts Spencer to explore her own sexuality, a topic that sparked controversy even before the show aired. It was the first series on The N to address such themes with its main characters and the first TV show ever to feature non-heterosexual teenagers as leading characters. “South of Nowhere” has garnered rave reviews from TV Guide, The Boston Tribune, New York Post, New York Daily News, Entertainment Weekly, and Variety.
Views: 48
Genre: Drama
Director: Thomas W. Lynch
Studio: Tom Lynch Company
Awards: 1 win & 5 nominations
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2005
IMDb: 7.9
TMDb: 7.0
Metacritic: 8.5
FilmAffinity: 6.3
Country: United States of America
Networks: NogginThe N
Starring: Aasha Davis, Chris Hunter, Eileen April Boylan, Gabrielle Christian, Maeve Quinlan, Mandy Musgrave, Matt Cohen, Rob Moran, Valery M. Ortiz