The Night Of
This gripping crime drama series, created by Richard Price, follows the harrowing journey of a young Pakistani-American college student who becomes embroiled in a complex murder investigation after a night out in New York City. Starring Riz Ahmed and John Turturro, the series delves into themes of racial tension, the criminal justice system, and the search for truth. The show has been critically acclaimed and has garnered several awards, including an Emmy for Riz Ahmed’s performance. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 102
Director: Richard Price, Steven Zaillian
Studio: Bad Wolf, BBC Worldwide Productions, Film Rites, HBO
Awards: Won 5 Primetime Emmys, 14 wins & 44 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2016
IMDb: 8.4
TMDb: 8.0
Metacritic: 90
FilmAffinity: 7.8
Country: United States of America
Networks: HBO, HBOTOD (TR)
Starring: Bill Camp, Glenne Headly, Jeannie Berlin, John Turturro, Michael Kenneth Williams, Paul Sparks, Payman Maadi, Poorna Jagannathan, Riz Ahmed, Sofia Black-D'Elia