See Dad Run
The narrative follows David Hobbs, an actor who has spent the past ten years portraying the ideal father on a highly popular television sitcom. However, when the show concludes and his wife returns to her own TV career, David is thrust into his most demanding role yet: managing the everyday lives of his three children, who are used to his absence. David quickly discovers that being a father in real life is far more challenging than his on-screen role ever was.
Views: 63
Director: Michael Jacobs, Patrick Labyorteaux
Studio: Nickelodeon Productions
Awards: 5 nominations
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2012
IMDb: 5
TMDb: 6.3
Metacritic: 50
Country: United States of America
Networks: Nick at Nite
Starring: Alanna Ubach, Bailey Michelle Brown, Jackson Brundage, Mark Curry, Ramy Youssef, Ryan Whitney, Ryan Whitney Newman, Scott Baio