The Mantis
In this gripping French thriller series, a notorious serial killer known as “The Mantis” is brought out of solitary confinement to help the police catch a copycat murderer. The plot thickens as she collaborates with her estranged son, a detective, leading to a tense and complex investigation. Starring Carole Bouquet in a chilling performance, the series delves into dark psychological themes and intricate character dynamics. Directed by Alexandre Laurent, this series can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 28
Director: Alice Chegaray-Breugnot, Grégoire Demaison, Nicolas Jean
Studio: Septembre Productions, TF1
Starring: Carole Bouquet, Élodie Navarre, Fred Testot, Frédérique Bel, Jacques Weber, Manon Azem, Pascal Demolon, Robinson Stévenin, Serge Riaboukine, Кароль Буке