“Cheers” is an American sitcom that aired for 11 seasons from 1982 to 1993. Produced by Charles/Burrows/Charles Productions in collaboration with Paramount Network Television for NBC, the series was created by James Burrows, Glen Charles, and Les Charles. The story unfolds in a Boston bar named Cheers, where a group of regulars gather to drink, unwind, and socialize. The show’s theme song, penned and performed by Gary Portnoy along with Judy Hart Angelo, became iconic with its memorable line, “Where Everybody Knows Your Name,” serving as the show’s tagline.
Debuting on September 30, 1982, the series faced the threat of cancellation during its first season due to low ratings. However, “Cheers” eventually rose to become one of the most popular TV shows in the United States, securing a spot in the top ten ratings for 8 out of its 11 seasons, including one season at the #1 position. It was a staple of NBC’s Thursday night “Must See TV” lineup. The widely viewed series finale aired on May 20, 1993, and the show’s 275 episodes have been successfully syndicated globally. “Cheers” was nominated for Outstanding Comedy Series for each of its eleven seasons, winning 28 Emmy Awards from a then-record 117 nominations. The character Frasier Crane was spun off into his own show, “Frasier,” which aired until 2004 and featured guest appearances from nearly all major and minor characters from “Cheers.”
Views: 136
Genre: Comedy
Director: Glen Charles, James Burrows, Les Charles
Studio: Charles/Burrows/Charles Productions, Paramount Television, Paramount Television Studios
Awards: Won 28 Primetime Emmys, 78 wins & 182 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
24minRelease: 1982
IMDb: 8
TMDb: 7.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 87%
Metacritic: 81
FilmAffinity: 6.9
Country: United States of America
Networks: NBC
Starring: Bebe Neuwirth, George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kelsey Grammer, Kirstie Alley, Rhea Perlman, Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson