Hibana: Spark
In this 2016 film directed by Kazuya Shiraishi, the story delves into the lives of two struggling comedians as they navigate the complexities of their careers and personal relationships. The narrative explores themes of ambition, friendship, and the harsh realities of the entertainment industry. Starring Kento Hayashi and Kazuki Namioka, the film offers a poignant look at the sacrifices and challenges faced by those pursuing their dreams. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 22
Genre: Drama
Director: Kazuya Shiraishi, Ryuichi Hiroki, Shinji Kuma, Shuichi Okita, Yasunori Mouri
Awards: 1 nomination
Starring: Daichi Watanabe, Eri Tokunaga, Hideaki Murata, Kazuki Namioka, Kento Hayashi, Maryjun Takahashi, Masao Yoshii, Mugi Kadowaki, Nahana, Shota Sometani