Livin’ Lozada
“Livin’ Lozada” chronicles the daily lives of Evelyn Lozada, known for her role on “Basketball Wives,” and her 21-year-old daughter, Shaniece. Evelyn has significantly moved past the pain of her widely publicized divorce. She is now engaged to major league baseball player Carl Crawford, and the joyful couple shares a one-year-old son named Leo. Evelyn is juggling numerous responsibilities, including embracing motherhood once again, establishing a new home in Los Angeles for her family, working on the sequel to her debut book, and managing family matters back East. Evelyn certainly has her hands full!
TV Status: Returning Series
42minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 6.1
TMDb: 0.8
Country: United States of America
Networks: OWN
Starring: Evelyn Lozada, Shaniece Hairston