CopyCat Killers
“Copycat Killers” is a gripping true crime series that delves into real-life crimes inspired by popular films and TV shows. These actual murderers bring cinematic violence into reality, presenting stories even more shocking than their on-screen counterparts. The series covers a wide range of terrifying movies, from classic horrors like “American Psycho” and “Scream” to cult favorites such as “Heathers” and “Taxi Driver,” and contemporary thrillers like “Saw” and “Dexter.” Each episode parallels a Hollywood hit with a real crime, detailing the killer’s eerie background, the murders, and the thrilling investigation. Featuring dramatic reenactments and in-depth commentary from detectives, psychologists, film critics, and other experts, “Copycat Killers” reveals these chilling true stories, forever altering your perception of movies.