Whispering Corridors
“Whispering Corridors,” directed by Ki-hyeong Park, is a South Korean horror film set in an all-girls high school where a series of mysterious events unfold following the death of a teacher. As the students and faculty grapple with the eerie occurrences, the film explores themes of friendship, authority, and the supernatural within the oppressive school environment.
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Director: Ki-hyeong Park
Actors: Choi Kang-hee, Kim Gyu-ri, Kim Min-jung, Kim Roi-ha, Kim Yu-seok, Lee Mi-yeon, Lee Yong-nyeo, Park Jin-Hee, Yoo Yeon-soo, Yoon Ji-hye
Country: South Korea
Company: Cine-2000 Film Production
Awards: 1 win & 3 nominations