Total Drama Island
Total Drama Island is a Canadian animated TV show that debuted on Teletoon in Canada on July 8, 2007, and later on Cartoon Network in the U.S. on June 5, 2008. This marks the inaugural season of the Total Drama series, featuring 27 episodes, each lasting 22 minutes, with a special 44-minute finale. The season primarily satirizes the reality show Survivor, showcasing twenty-two campers in a competition based on eliminations. For the U.S. broadcast on Cartoon Network, certain content was edited to make it suitable for a younger audience, such as replacing long bleeps with words in episodes like “That’s Off the Chain” and “Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon.” The fourth season, titled Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, follows a similar format but introduces a new set of characters.
Views: 46
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family
Director: Colleen Ballinger, Jennifer Pertsch, Tom McGillis
Studio: Cake Entertainment, Cartoon Network Studios, Fresh TV, Teletoon
Awards: 2 nominations
Starring: Adam Greydon Reid, Anthony Christian Potenza, Brian Froud, Carter Hayden, Christian Potenza, Clé Bennett, Dan Petronijevic, Drew Nelson, Emilie-Claire Barlow, Katie Crown, Lauren Lipson, Megan Fahlenbock, Novie Edwards, Rachel Wilson, Scott McCord, Stephanie Mills