Following the success of the 2014 TV movie “The Killing Field,” Rebecca Gibney makes a comeback as Detective Sergeant Eve Winter in the new series “Winter” on Seven. Peter O’Brien also returns, reprising his role as Detective Inspector Lachlan McKenzie. The series is set to debut on Wednesday, February 4, 2015, at 9:00 PM. As the story unfolds, Eve Winter and her team are tasked with unraveling the mysterious murder of 23-year-old mother Karly in a picturesque yet eerie fishing village located south of Sydney.
TV Status: Ended
42minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.3
TMDb: 6.7
FilmAffinity: 5.9
Country: Australia
Networks: Seven Network
Starring: Akos Armont, Antonia Prebble, Matt Nable, Peter O'Brien, Rebecca Gibney, Sara West