Set in the Viking Age, this 2016 film directed by Jon Iver Helgaker offers a comedic take on the lives of Norsemen as they navigate the challenges of their time. The plot revolves around a group of Vikings dealing with everyday issues, from power struggles to cultural clashes, all while maintaining a humorous tone. The film features a talented cast, including Kåre Conradi and Silje Torp, who bring the characters to life with their engaging performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Starring: Bjørn Hallgeir Myrene, Jon Øigarden, Kåre Conradi, Kristine Riis, Marian Saastad Ottesen, Mikkel Bratt Silset, Nikis Theophilakis, Nils Jørgen Kaalstad, Silje Torp, Trond Fausa Aurvåg