Midnight Mass
“Midnight Mass,” directed by Mike Flanagan, is a horror drama series that unfolds on the isolated Crockett Island, where the arrival of a charismatic young priest coincides with a series of mysterious and miraculous events. As the island’s community grapples with these occurrences, deep-seated secrets and faith are tested, leading to profound and unsettling revelations.
Views: 31
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Mike Flanagan
Studio: Intrepid Pictures
Creators: Mike Flanagan
Awards: Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy, 4 wins & 41 nominations total
Starring: Annabeth Gish, Annarah Cymone, Hamish Linklater, Henry Thomas, Igby Rigney, Kate Siegel, Kristin Lehman, Rahul Kohli, Samantha Sloyan, Zach Gilford