The Mandalorian
“The Mandalorian,” created by Jon Favreau, is a space Western series set in the Star Wars universe, following the journey of a lone bounty hunter known as the Mandalorian. As he navigates the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the New Republic, he encounters unexpected allies and dangerous adversaries while protecting a mysterious child with a powerful connection to the Force.
Views: 133
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Jon Favreau
Studio: Fairview Entertainment, Golem Creations, Lucasfilm Ltd.
Creators: Jon Favreau
Awards: Top rated TV #129 | Won 15 Primetime Emmys, 62 wins & 162 nominations total
Starring: Chris Bartlett, Emily Swallow, Katee Sackhoff, Pedro Pascal, Taika Waititi