The American West
Set between 1865 and 1890, “The American West” explores how the United States evolved into the “land of opportunity” following the Civil War. This 8-episode limited series immerses viewers in the tumultuous era of cowboys, Native Americans, outlaws, and lawmen. It delves into the personal and lesser-known tales of iconic Western figures like Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, Crazy Horse, and Sitting Bull. The series also includes exclusive interviews with renowned actors from classic Western films, such as Robert Redford, James Caan, Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck, Kiefer Sutherland, Mark Harmon, Ed Harris, and others.
Views: 109
Genre: Action & Adventure, Crime, Documentary, Drama, Western
Studio: Stephen David Entertainment, Sundance Productions
Creators: Brian Burstein, John Ealer, Johnny Saint-Ours
Awards: 1 nomination
Starring: Bert Thomas Morris, David H. Stevens, Derek Chariton, Jim Jackman, John C. Bailey, Joseph Carlson, Kera O'Bryon, Mike Marunde, Morgan Lund, Will Strongheart