The narrative follows a group of young siblings who are largely left to fend for themselves by their neglectful parents, relying on their cleverness and humor to navigate life on a tough council estate in Manchester. Despite their reluctance to acknowledge it, they are in need of assistance, which they find in Steve, a young man from a middle-class background who becomes enamored with Fiona, the eldest sibling. As he becomes more involved with this unconventional and distinctive family, he is drawn into their world. The chaotic family dynamics are portrayed through the perspective of an exceptionally intelligent fifteen-year-old, who faces the challenges of growing up amidst a combative father, a closeted brother, a sister with psychotic tendencies, and neighbors who are internet porn stars.
Views: 209
Director: Paul Abbott
Creators: Paul Abbott
Awards: Won 1 BAFTA Award, 11 wins & 37 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2004
IMDb: 8
TMDb: 7.7
Metacritic: 7.6
FilmAffinity: 7.3
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Channel 4
Starring: Aaron McCusker, Alice Barry, David Threlfall, Karen Bryson, Michael Taylor, Nicky Evans, Qasim Akhtar, Rebecca Atkinson, Stephen Lord, Tina Malone