Chowder is an animated TV show from the United States, crafted by C.H. Greenblatt for Cartoon Network. The storyline centers on a young, ambitious chef named Chowder, who embarks on daily escapades as an apprentice at Mung Daal’s catering business. Despite his good intentions, Chowder frequently lands in trouble due to his insatiable hunger and absent-mindedness. He is also constantly bothered by Panini, the apprentice of Mung’s competitor, Endive, who insists on making Chowder her “boyfriend,” much to his dismay. The series combines traditional animation with brief stop-motion puppet segments, which are interspersed throughout the episodes and featured during the end credits.
Chowder debuted on November 2, 2007, and spanned three seasons, totaling 49 episodes. Throughout its run, it achieved one Primetime Emmy Award, received six Annie Award nominations, and earned two additional Emmy Award nominations. The series concluded with the episode “Chowder Grows Up,” which aired on August 7, 2010, and included C.H. Greenblatt voicing the adult version of Chowder.
Views: 126
Director: C.H. Greenblatt
Studio: Cartoon Network Studios
Creators: C.H. Greenblatt
Awards: Won 1 Primetime Emmy, 1 win & 8 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
11minRelease: 2007
IMDb: 7.3
TMDb: 8.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Metacritic: 7.7
FilmAffinity: 5.6
Country: United States of America
Networks: Cartoon Network
Starring: C.H. Greenblatt, Dana Snyder, Dwight Schultz, John DiMaggio, Liliana Mumy, Mindy Sterling, Nicky Jones, Tara Strong