What a Man Wants
“What a Man Wants,” directed by Lee Byeong-heon, is a South Korean comedy-drama that explores the complexities of love and marriage through the intertwined lives of two brothers-in-law. Set against the backdrop of Jeju Island, the film delves into themes of infidelity, desire, and the pursuit of happiness, all while maintaining a humorous and light-hearted tone.
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Director: Lee Byeong-heon
Actors: Go Joon, Han Eun-sun, Honey Lee, Jang Young-nam, Lee El, Lee Ha-nee, Lee Ha-nui, Lee Hanee, Lee Sung-min, Shin Ha-kyun, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Hyun-min, Yoo Ah-reum
Country: South Korea
Worldwide Gross: $9,080,272