The Great Seer
“The Great Seer” is a South Korean historical TV series from 2012, featuring actors Ji Sung, Ji Jin-hee, Song Chang-eui, Kim So-yeon, and Lee Yoon-ji. The narrative unfolds during the chaotic end of the Goryeo dynasty, focusing on individuals skilled in divination and their influence over the nation’s destiny. The series was broadcast on SBS, running from October 10, 2012, to February 7, 2013, with episodes airing on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9:55 PM, totaling 35 episodes.
TV Status: Ended
1h 5minRelease: 2012
IMDb: 7.6
TMDb: 3.2
Country: South Korea
Networks: SBS
Starring: Ahn Kil-kang, Choi Ro-woon, Choi Tae-joon, Ji Jin-hee, Ji Sung, Kim So-yeon, Lee Yoon-ji, Son Na-eun, Song Chang-eui, Yoon Joo-hee