In the animated film “Metropolis” directed by Rintaro, a futuristic city is depicted where humans and robots coexist, but tensions rise due to class disparities and technological advancements. The story follows a young boy named Kenichi and a mysterious girl named Tima as they uncover a conspiracy that could alter the fate of the city.
Views: 47
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Drama, Science Fiction
Director: Rintaro
Actors: Junpei Takiguchi, Kei Kobayashi, Kohki Okada, Kôsei Tomita, Masaru Ikeda, Norio Wakamoto, Shun Yashiro, Takeshi Aono, Tarô Ishida, Yuka Imoto
Country: Japan
Company: Bandai Visual Company, DENTSU Music And Entertainment, Imagica Corp.
Awards: 1 win & 4 nominations
Budget: $15,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $4,035,192
1h 48minRelease: 2001
Release Date: 2001-05-26
IMDb: 7.2
TMDB: 7.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 87%
Metacritic: 75
FilmAffinity: 6.9