Haunted Campus
Shinji Yagami, portrayed by Yuma Nakayama, is a college student who is easily spooked because he can see ghosts. He harbors feelings for Koyomi Nada, played by Haruka Shimazaki. In an effort to keep Koyomi safe, both Shinji and Koyomi become members of their university’s occult research club. Together with other club members, they attempt to unravel the mystery surrounding their haunted campus.
Views: 27
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Director: Satoshi Takemoto
Actors: Haruka Shimazaki, Kentaro Yasui, Maryjun Takahashi, Takuro Ohno, Yuma Nakayama
Country: Japan
Company: Kansai Telecasting (KTV), Media Pulpo Co., Shochiku