Urotsukidoji I: Legend of the Overfiend
“Urotsukidoji I: Legend of the Overfiend,” directed by Hideki Takayama, is an anime film that explores the intertwining destinies of humans, demons, and man-beasts as they await the arrival of the Overfiend, a powerful being prophesied to unite the three realms. The story follows a high school student who becomes entangled in this cosmic struggle, uncovering dark secrets and facing unimaginable horrors.
Views: 43
Genre: Action, Animation, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Hideki Takayama
Actors: Hirotaka Suzuoki, Kenyu Horiuchi, Koichi Yamadera, Kyounosuke Hiruma, Maya Okamoto, Nobuo Tobita, Norio Wakamoto, Tomohiro Nishimura, Tsutomu Kashiwakura, Yoko Asagami
Country: Japan