Rainy Dog
In “Rainy Dog,” directed by Takashi Miike, a Japanese hitman named Yuji finds himself stranded in Taiwan, where he struggles to survive while being pursued by both the local mafia and his own past. As he navigates the gritty underworld, Yuji forms an unexpected bond with a young boy, leading to a poignant exploration of redemption and human connection amidst the chaos.
Views: 50
Director: Takashi Miike
Actors: Billy Ching Sau-Yat, Blackie Ko Shou-Liang, Chang Li-Wei, Doze Niu Cheng-Tse, Gao Ming-Chun, Jianqin He, Lee Lichun, Show Aikawa, Xianmei Chen, Zhang Shi
Country: Japan
Company: Daiei, Excellent Film
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination