A formidable creature known as the Nine-Tails launches an assault on Konoha, the hidden leaf village situated in the Land of Fire, one of the prominent Five Great Shinobi Nations in the Ninja World. To counter this threat, Konoha’s leader at the time, the Fourth Hokage, seals the beast within the newborn Naruto Uzumaki, turning him into the creature’s host. This act costs the Fourth Hokage his life, necessitating the return of the Third Hokage from retirement to lead Konoha once more. As he grows up, Naruto faces ostracism from the villagers, who regard him as if he were the Nine-Tails that once attacked them.
Starring: Chie Nakamura, Hidekatsu Shibata, Junko Takeuchi, Kazuhiko Inoue, Koichi Tochika, Masashi Ebara, Noriaki Sugiyama, Ryoka Yuzuki, Yōichi Masukawa, Yukari Tamura