Ghost Team One
In “Ghost Team One,” two roommates, Sergio and Brad, become amateur ghost hunters to impress a girl who believes their house is haunted. As they delve deeper into the supernatural, they find themselves in over their heads, leading to a series of comedic and chaotic events.
Views: 70
Director: Ben Peyser, Scott Rutherford
Actors: Carlos Santos, Craig Stott, Felicia Hom, Fernanda Romero, J.R. Villarreal, James Babson, Meghan Falcone, Sarah Chapman, Scott MacArthur, Tony Cavalero
Country: United States of America
Company: Flying Monkeys Entertainment, Perlapartment Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $9,195
1h 24minRelease: 2013
Release Date: 2013-01-20
IMDb: 4.2
TMDB: 5.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 36%
Metacritic: 21
FilmAffinity: 2.7