A Fine Step
“A Fine Step” is an inspiring family drama that follows the story of Cal Masterson, portrayed by Luke Perry from “Beverly Hills 90210.” Cal is a celebrated equestrian whose deep bond with his cherished horse, Fandango, leads them to numerous championship victories. However, their success is abruptly halted by a tragic accident that ends Cal’s riding career. As Cal grapples with his loss, hope emerges in the form of his new neighbor, 14-year-old Claire Mason, played by Anna Claire Sneed from “Glee.” Claire’s interest in Fandango and her belief that the horse’s competitive spirit may still have a future helps Cal find a new sense of purpose.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Jonathan Meyers
Actors: Amy Lavere, Anna Claire Sneed, Armand Assante, Cameron Daddo, Justin Baldoni, Leonor Varela, Luke Perry, Oliver Macready
Country: United States of America
Company: Denrond Productions, Insomnia Media Group
Budget: $1,000,000