Mad Men
“Mad Men” unfolds during the 1960s, beginning at the fictional Sterling Cooper advertising agency on New York City’s Madison Avenue, and later transitioning to the newly established Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, situated in the Time-Life Building at 1271 Avenue of the Americas. As explained in the show’s pilot, “mad men” was a colloquial term invented by Madison Avenue advertisers in the 1950s to describe themselves. The series centers around Don Draper, the creative director at Sterling Cooper and a founding partner at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, along with the individuals in his personal and professional circles. The narrative delves into the operations of the advertising firms and the personal stories of the characters, frequently reflecting the evolving cultural and social norms of 1960s America.
Views: 140
Genre: Drama
Director: Matthew Weiner
Studio: Lionsgate, RadicalMedia, Weiner Bros.
Creators: Matthew Weiner
Awards: Top rated TV #104 | Won 16 Primetime Emmys, 166 wins & 450 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2007
IMDb: 8.7
TMDb: 8.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
Metacritic: 86
FilmAffinity: 7.9
Country: United States of America
Networks: AMC
Starring: Aaron Staton, Christina Hendricks, Christopher Stanley, Elisabeth Moss, January Jones, Jon Hamm, Kevin Rahm, Kiernan Shipka, Rich Sommer, Vincent Kartheiser