Inspired by real events, the story follows Emilio, a young boxer from a tough neighborhood who dreams of clinching the Golden Gloves boxing title. After a stint in jail, he faces a pivotal moment in his life. Determined to reclaim his place among the champions, Emilio gets another opportunity to compete for the championship. In the ring, he stands face to face with his rival, ready to give it his all and emerge victorious.
Views: 41
Genre: Action, Adventure, Biography, Drama
Director: Kenneth Castillo
Actors: Alvaro Orlando, Camila Banus, Danny Trejo, Giovanni Bejarano, Ivonne Coll, Jack Guzman, Jilon VanOver, Oscar Torre, Steven Bauer, Yeniffer Behrens
Country: United States of America
Company: Cohencidence Productions, Digital Slave Productions, LM
Budget: $5,500,000