“Overdrive,” directed by Antonio Negret, follows skilled car thieves and half-brothers Andrew and Garrett Foster as they venture to the south of France to steal a rare and valuable car. Their heist plans take a dangerous turn when they find themselves caught between two rival crime bosses, leading to high-stakes action and thrilling car chases.
Views: 70
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Antonio Negret
Actors: Abraham Belaga, Ana de Armas, Anaïs Monory, Clemens Schick, Freddie Thorp, Frédéric Anscombre, Gaia Weiss, Joshua Fitoussi, Kaaris, Lester Makedonsky, Magne-Håvard Brekke, Mars Bezot, Moussa Maaskri, Pierre-Marie Mosconi, Scott Eastwood, Simon Abkarian
Country: Belgium, France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Kinology, Overdrive Productions, TF1 Films Production
Budget: 24,340,000
Worldwide Gross: $9,650,552
1h 33minRelease: 2017
Release Date: 2017-06-16
IMDb: 5.4
TMDB: 6.1
Metacritic: 5.4
FilmAffinity: 4.4