64: Part 1
In 1989, known as the 64th year of the Shouwa era in Japan, a notorious unsolved case involving the kidnapping and murder of a young girl emerged within the Criminal Investigation Department of the Prefectural Police. This case, referred to as “64 (Rokuyon),” remained the department’s most significant unresolved issue for 14 years, with the statute of limitations looming. By 2002, Yoshinobu Mikami, a former detective who had originally been assigned to the “Rokuyon” case, reluctantly transitioned to a role as a Public Relations Officer in the Police Affairs Department. In his new position, Mikami faced challenges in managing relationships with reporters, especially when a new case arose that mirrored the “Rokuyon” case precisely.
Views: 39
Genre: Mystery
Director: Takahisa Zeze
Actors: Go Ayano, Hidekazu Akai, Kentaro Sakaguchi, Koichi Sato, Masataka Kubota, Mayu Tsuruta, Michitaka Tsutsui, Nana Eikura, Naoto Ogata, Yui Natsukawa
Country: Japan
Company: Cobra Pictures, Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS)
Awards: 5 wins & 14 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $17,756,875