“2Eleven” narrates the story of two brothers striving to make ends meet on the streets of Detroit. Zo, the composed and driven sibling, dreams of providing a better future for his daughter, Natty. In contrast, Murda, his flamboyant and quick-tempered brother, is enamored with the thrill of fast living and quick cash. Despite their differing personalities, both brothers share the same line of work: committing robberies. Alongside their partner, Rell, they start as petty criminals until Zo connects with an experienced mentor who offers them a chance to pursue more lucrative heists. As these “jack boys” begin to see their earnings increase, the rift between Zo and Murda widens. Tensions rise, violence erupts, and boundaries are overstepped. With each dollar earned, their loyalty is increasingly put to the test. This urban drama promises to leave a lasting impression.
Views: 14771
Director: Derek Scott
Actors: Angel Spieghts, April Lockett, Chamar Avery, Delores Harris, Geneia Staranna, Martell Lane, Paije Speights
Country: United States of America
Company: Mula Films, Ucult Studios