20 Once Again
“20 Once Again,” directed by Leste Chen, is a heartwarming comedy-drama about a 70-year-old woman who magically finds herself in the body of her 20-year-old self. As she navigates her newfound youth, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, rekindling her dreams and reconnecting with her family in unexpected ways.
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Director: Leste Chen
Actors: Chen Bolin, Deshun Wang, Gua Ah-leh, Han Lu, Hao Xuankai, Li Yan, Lu Han, Wang Deshun, Wang Qing, Xing Zhaolin, Yang Qing, Yang Zishan
Country: China, South Korea, Taiwan
Company: Beijing Century Media Culture, C2M Media, CJ Entertainment
Awards: 6 wins & 15 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $59,396,311