In the thriller “10×10,” directed by Suzi Ewing, a seemingly ordinary man named Lewis kidnaps Cathy and holds her captive in a small, soundproof room, seeking to extract a dark secret from her past. As the tension escalates, the film delves into themes of revenge and the complexities of truth, keeping viewers on edge with its psychological twists.
Views: 44
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Suzi Ewing
Actors: Benjamin Hoetjes, Hilary Agostini, Jason Maza, Jill Winternitz, John Michael Morris, Kelly Reilly, Luke Evans, Noel Clarke, Olivia Chenery, Skye Lucia Degruttola
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Head Gear Films, Metrol Technology, Unstoppable Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $68,260
1h 28minRelease: 2018
Release Date: 2018-03-16
IMDb: 5.1
TMDB: 5.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 67%
Metacritic: 4.6
FilmAffinity: 4.5